Local Results: Tall City “Lights Out” Speech and Debate Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results from the Tall City “Lights Out” Speech and Debate Tournament, held at Midland Lee High School on October 22nd and 23rd.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Alaina Brogan (Central High School)
2nd:  Christopher Casanova (Lubbock High School)
3rd:  Tanner Moore (Seminole High School)
4th:  Jeremy Franklin (Katy High School)
5th:  Sarah Murphy (Denver City High School)
6th:  Edgar Fonseca (Denver City High School)
7th:  Cheyenne Smith (Monahans High School)
8th:  Shawn Adams (Big Spring High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Haylee Dodson (Seminole High School)
2nd:  Jacob Kirksey (Lubbock High School)
3rd:  Hannah Sutton (Denver City High School)
4th:  Caleb Hester (Snyder High School)
5th:  Taylor Veldare (Central High School)
6th:  Cameron Butler (Denver City High School)

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