Local Results: The Ronald Reagan Invitational (Texas)

Here are the results from the 12th annual Ronald Reagan “Dutch” Invitational, held at Ronald Reagan High School on October 22nd and 23rd.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Hannah Beck (MacArthur High School)
2nd:  Sam Hamad (Winston Churchill High School)
3rd:  Alex Birnel (Sandra Day O’Connor High School)
4th:  Mark Jbeily (Westwood High School)
5th:  Divya Ramamoorthy (Westwood High School)
6th:  Griffin Rubin (Saint Mary’s Hall)

International Extemp

Champion:  Sydney Scott (Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School)
2nd:  Allie Woodhouse (Winston Churchill High School)
3rd:  David Donnel (Winston Churchill High School)
4th:  Madhuri Venkateswar (Winston Churchill High School)
5th:  Laura Galindo (La Vernia High School)
6th:  Esteban Rodriguez-Vazquez (La Vernia High School)

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