Local Results: UTEP Forensics “Talk of Texas” TFA Qualifying Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results of the UTEP Forensics “Talk of Texas” Texas Forensic Association Qualifying Tournament, held at Bel Air High School on October 22nd and 23rd.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Adi Soto (Coronado High School)
2nd:  Dominique Egger (Franklin High School)
3rd:  Myranda Fernandez (Loretto Academy)
4th:  Andrea Liano (Loretto Academy)
5th:  Jamie Salazar (Chapin High School)
6th:  Carlos Chavira (Cathedral High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Dominique Egger (Franklin High School)
2nd:  Adi Soto (Coronado High School)
3rd:  Jamie Salazar (Chapin High School)
4th:  Mariana Hernandez (Loretto Academy)
5th:  Monica Sosa (Coronado High School)
6th:  Andrea Liano (Loretto Academy)

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