Local Results: The Sandra Day O’Connor Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results of the Sandra Day O’Connor High School Tournament, held at Sandra Day O’Connor High School on September 24th and 25th.

United States Extemp

Champion:  Hannah Beck (MacArthur High School)
2nd:  Sydney Scott (Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School)
3rd:  Andrew Markham (Reagan High School)
4th:  Christine Wiener (Reagan High School)
5th:  Olivia Deffner (Reagan High School)
6th:  Rodrigo Paramo (Reagan High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Suchee Shah (Reagan High School)
2nd:  Will Miles (Tom C. Clark High School)
3rd:  Faith Ozer (La Vernia High School)
4th:  Summer Mills (Madison High School)
5th:  Bryan Bartley (MacArthur High School)
6th:  Steven Haug (Devine High School)

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