Local Results: The John S. Gossett Memorial High School Speech and Debate Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results of the 2nd Annual John S. Gossett Memorial High School Speech and Debate Tournament, held on November 5th and 6th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Sahil Vanjani (Parish Episcopal School)
2nd:  Kaitlyn Bull (North Lamar High School)
3rd:  Lindsey Butler (Hendrickson High School)
4th:  Blake Andrews (Parish Episcopal School)
5th:  Rachel Rein (James Martin High School)
6th:  Will Stewart (Parish Episcopal School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Dallas Flick (Aubrey High School)
2nd:  Carver Hodgkiss (North Lamar High School)
3rd:  Maya Flippen (McKinney High School)
4th:  Albert Iskandarani (Guyer High School)
5th:  Cyrus Ghaznavi (Parish Episcopal School)
6th:  Travis Moore (James Martin High School)

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