Local Results: The Harlingen South High School TFA Qualifier (Texas)

Here are the results of the 18th Annual Harlingen South High School TFA Qualifier, held at Harlingen South High School on November 12th and 13th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Evan Schauer (King High School)
2nd:  Ryan Smith (Gregory-Portland High School)
3rd:  Nick Brown (Bishop High School)
4th:  Carolina Rivera (King High School)
5th:  Caleb Lee (Bishop High School)
6th:  Mark Valdez (Edinburg North High School)
7th:  Rachel Dunham (Harlingen High School)
8th:  Loren Haskins (Edinburg High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Khan Shiraz (King High School)
2nd:  Vegas Longlois (King High School)
3rd:  Celeste Moreno (McAllen High School)
4th:  Miranda Eaton (McAllen High School)
5th:  Cynthia Ramos (McAllen High School)
6th:  Maryann Flores (McAllen High School)
7th:  Dustin Vento (McAllen High School)
8th:  Brandon Cuellar (McAllen High School)

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