Local Results: The Del Valle TFA Qualifying Tournament (Texas)

Here are the resuls from the Del Valle TFA Qualifying Tournament, held at Del Valle High School on December 10th and 11th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Dominique Egger (Franklin High School)
2nd:  Adi Soto (Coronado High School)
3rd:  Nicholas Corral (Hanks High School)
4th:  Ellie Dzubey (Franklin High School)
5th:  Mariana Hernandez (Loretto Academy)
6th:  Brian Gutierrez (Coronado High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Dominique Egger (Franklin High School)
2nd:  Brian Gutierrez (Coronado High School)
3rd:  Adi Soto (Coronado High School)
4th:  Austin Edens (Coronado High School)
5th:  Alejandra Muniz (Franklin High School)
6th:  Myranda Fernandez (Loretto Academy)

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