Local Results: Round Rock TFA Qualifying Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results from the sixteenth annual Round Rock TFA Qualifying Tournament, held at Round Rock High School on November 19th and 20th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Matthew Hinojosa (Flower Mound High School)
2nd:  Katerine Ray (A&M Consolidated High School)
3rd:  Tanya Rajan (Newman Smith High School)
4th:  Joshua Yun (Flower Mound High School)
5th:  Kevin Alcantar (Flower Mound High School)
6th:  Haylee Young (Salado High School)
7th:  Sahij Vanjani (Parish Episcopal High School)
8th:  Jeremy Booth (Garland High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Alessandro Pauri (Flower Mound High School)
2nd:  Clancy Taylor (Flower Mound High School)
3rd:  Manar Haseeb (Garland High School)
4th:  Pia Sur (Westwood High School)
5th:  Diana Pop (Newman Smith High School)
6th:  Niki Nair (Flower Mound High School)
7th:  Rahul Gaikwad (Flower Mound High School)
8th:  Priyanka D— (Westwood High School)

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