Extemp Questions for the Week of May 7th-13th, 2008

1. Is a new new-facist movement being built in Europe?

2. Have the worst parts of the credit crisis passed by?

3. Should Brazil be given a permanent seat on the UN Security Council?

4. Is the peace accord between northern and southern Sudan unraveling?

5. If you were John McCain’s campaign manager, what would be your election strategy while the Democrats are still engaging in their nomination battle?

6. Will Santa Cruz’s vote for more autonomy weaken Morales?

7. Should Tsvangirai agree to a run off?

8. Will the Supreme Court’s upholding of Indiana’s voter ID law hurt the Democratic Party in November?

9. What can be done to help Indian Ocean countries deal with natural disasters?

10. Has America won the “war on meth”?

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