HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 28-April 3, 2016


HOTtopics1. Should Microsoft buy Yahoo!?
2. How can Donald Trump successfully court female voters in a general election?
3. Should voters be able to directly vote on minimum wage increases?
4. How will the Supreme Court rule in Zubik v. Burwell?
5. Can the Fed wait until September to raise interest rates again?
6. When it comes to foreign policy, does President Obama have a strong human rights record?
7. Could the Obama administration defuse Donald Trump’s popularity by taking stronger action on immigration policy?
8. Is the U.S. military prepared for a war with North Korea?
9. Should “texting while walking” be banned?
10. Is Bernie Sanders refusal to drop out of the Democratic primary hurting Hillary Clinton?

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